More Big Words @ Church

A lot of things were interrupted back in the spring of 2020. At that time, we were just finishing up a series in adult Sunday School on theological words related to salvation.
You know, like redemption, adoption, regeneration, and so on.
We were almost done the study – I think we had one more word, and a review to go.
But we also had a tentative plan for another study, which I had already started researching for. So, after a significant delay, we’re going ahead with a new series… entitled “Biblical Anthropology”.
Anthropology is, of course, the study of humans. Hence the tagline on the graphic – “Who am I?”

The idea is to give a biblical foundation, and then go on to talk about topics that are relevant today. So, some topics might include gender, transhumanism, art, reproductive technologies, race, art, and technology.
At this point we’re planning on one study a month.
I would appreciate your prayers. It is a major challenge to get across rather deep concepts in a short period of time. For many of the studies, we will also have adults, youth and children all together. And we’ll have to see if we can possibly carry on these thoughts even though there is a break of three or four weeks between each study.
But anyway, our first attempt will be this Sunday, laying foundations about concepts such as truth and relationship. I’m trying to make it interesting and include as much discussion and interaction as possible. So – I’m looking forward to it! But I’m not sure exactly how it will go. 🙂