One small step toward Mexico
You may remember what we said about our expenses going up. Well, things are not getting any better. Our apartment was one of the cheapest in the area for what it was when we got it, and it probably still is. But of course Calgary has since become one of Canada’s most expensive cities, and our rent just keeps increasing. If we’re going to pay for all our expenses to move to Mexico, we need to slash our expenses. Really slash.
And an offer from some friends will make that possible. We’ve given our notice. In a few days we’ll be paying rent here for the last time. By the end of August, we’ll be out of here. We’ll be moving temporarily to a little one bedroom suite in the town of Cochrane, about 40 minutes from where we now live. It will literally save us hundreds a month.
By the end of August, Lord willing, we’ll have all our furniture sold, everything stored that needs to be stored, and everything packed into our trailer that’s going to Mexico. Then we’ll be able to focus on the all non-packing and sorting stuff from Cochrane, such as fundraising and paperwork.
Yes, it’s going to be a tight squeeze – the four of us in a small one bedroom suite. But it will just be temporary. From then on in we’ll be living out of suitcases until we move into our new home in Cuernavaca, Mexico.
So we’re very thankful for this offer from our friends. Tomorrow we’ll be free of the kids for a few hours, and we’ll try to get as much packing done as we can. The time is going to go fast! We won’t be moving far this time, but it really will be a big step in the right direction. And Lord willing a few weeks later we’ll be able to head south…
27 July 2006 @ 12:01 pm
It’s just good practice for the mission field… you wll see how incredibly flexible the kids are when living in a tight space and you will see how liberating it is to have less STUFF to take care of! (this from someone now living in Mexico in a 2 bedroom house with three kids, no living room just an eat in kitchen, maybe 600 sq feet?) Enjoy the adventure!
27 July 2006 @ 12:05 pm
Believe me, today I’m busy packing and I’m sure looking forward to those days when I’m done! Boy, our kids have a lot of books…I guess I’d rather that than a lot of other things, but they need some organizing. I’d better get back to work! 🙂
Missionary Blog Watch
9 August 2006 @ 8:08 pm
On the road again…and again…
Travelling, travelling, travelling. Or traveling. However you choose to spell it, there sure are a lot of missionaries doing it. It’s tiring me out just reading about it (or maybe it’s because…
On the road again…and again… — Missionary Blog Watch
30 January 2009 @ 1:44 pm
[…] tiring me out just reading about it (or maybe it’s because I’m in the middle of packing myself). Â Worse still, it often means that missionaries don’t have internet access, so […]