Packing proof
Our thermometer said it was 36C (97F) outside, but we were inside, where it was just about as hot. All day we were hauling boxes, sorting, shuffling. In short, packing.
That’s a picture of our living room as it was this afternoon. We took Hannah and Nathanael over to spend the day at their cousin’s house, and Shari and I got down and dirty into what’s going to Mexico and what’s not. There’s still lots to do. Is the glass half empty or half full? Well, I’m afraid we’re not half packed, so maybe it’s a third full. Or a quarter. Or…
But seriously, we did get a lot done. It’s rare we have the kids gone for so long, and I said to Shari it’s like we did 3 months worth of work today, compared to what we would have done if they were here. So thanks to the Wingers for the help! And I’m sure Hannah and Nathanael had a great time. And now things are a little more organized here for a time, so it will be easier to get bits of packing done over the next few days as we have time.
We also made progress today in other ways. I had a good talk with Phil at our mission office, and things are really moving along with some of the organization that needs to be done from that end. So we praise the Lord for each of these small, practical steps toward Mexico!
(Just for the record, it was only 31C (88F) in the city we’re moving to, Cuernavaca, Mexico.)