The last 90 days’ most popular posts (30 Jun ’07)
I’m continuing my new feature from last month, since it came out to rave reviews (1 positive comment). 😉 Here are the most popular posts from the last 90 days, most popular first. The ones with the stars have been on the list 2 months straight:
- * Life after death? (Resurrection Sunday) – After discussing life after death at school, I write about why we believe in life after death
- * Photo updates (and RSS feed) – playing around with this site’s news feeds (incidentally, there’s more info here). I’m still not sure how well the Google Screensaver feed works – did anyone try it?
- * The lost tomb of Jesus (Holy Saturday) – what if they really did find Jesus’ tomb?
- I kinda missed the * Earthquake in Cuernavaca
- Meditations on Luke 9 – my Dad’s article on Tests of Discipleship
- CAM Mexico blogs – a new news feed featuring the other missionaries with CAM and us
- Surprised by sin (Good Friday) – the power of sin and the power of the cross
- It doesn’t get any better… – video blog of our church baptisms
- Wayne’s mandolin – video blog from a classmate of Shari’s
- Cultural clips in the photo gallery (and blog) – recently posted photos and blog entries on Mexican culture. Poke around, there have been more additions since!
1 July 2007 @ 10:23 am
Happy Canada Day!
1 July 2007 @ 2:47 pm
Same to you! 😉