The last 90 days most popular posts (29 Feb 2008)
The top 10 most popular posts from the last 90 days, with the most popular listed first. The ones in bold are winners two months straight:
- Hannah’s class (video) – see? I knew you liked video!
- Changing seasons in Mexico (audio) – you like audio too!
- Migraine and headache and cluster (oh my!) – tips for those with chronic conditions like these.
- Canadians, Mexicans, and cold weather – why am I so ccccold?
- Holiday activities (in pictures) – pointing to the pictures of things I didn’t blog much about…
- If Christmas was all we knew – what would we know about God and His plan if we only knew Christmas? You might be surprised…
- Shari on Canada – Shari notices some differences during a quick trip to Canada.
- Van break down in Mexico – and all the happened regarding that.
- Deeper Rejoicing – thoughts on Habakkuk (for you to print).
- Underwear in Walmart – why is it all red and yellow suddenly?
1 March 2008 @ 7:39 pm
Underwear barely came in at #10?!?! I demand a recount!
3 March 2008 @ 12:18 pm
Don’t worry… it still has time to riiiiiiise to the top! 😉
6 March 2008 @ 4:53 pm
Oh my. Jim, did you really just make that pun??
6 March 2008 @ 5:27 pm
Yikes! Unintentional, I assure you.