Our Team Today (and one reason why it’s so cool)
Today we’re heading to the city of Pachuca, north east of Mexico City, for a meeting with our team of Camino Global missionaries.
I’ll be sharing a bit about some of the things we talked about at our meetings in Honduras.
When I was in Honduras, I actually made a bit of a presentation about our team as a part of a Mexico presentation. As I thought about it again on the weekend, I realized again what an interesting team we have.
We are involved in a huge number of very different ministries. And we’re serving in three different cities, and four different locations.
And if I estimate correctly, here’s where our team members are from…

We’re also married and single, no children, with children, and empty-nesters. Our meetings are bilingual. We’re also multi-generational.
So for all our faults, it is pretty cool what a variety of people we have on our team.
And then if you add the people we’re actually working with on a local level, it gets even more interesting. That would bring us to a wide group of people, majority Mexican, from a variety of churches and mission agencies.
And in this global world in which we live, that’s what teams are going to look like more and more. And it’s a very challenging thing, but a great thing, because that’s what the Church is.